Friday, September 6, 2013

An analysis of social networking and security. . .or lack of when promoting your brand

     Social media has grown into a dominant force in internet networking. Facebook, widely considered to be the number one social networking site and stated to be the second most visited site in the world, is estimated to have 665 million daily active users! By doing something as simple as creating a page on Facebook and maintaining it fairly regularly, people can promote their brands and obtain immediate feedback from their customers. This is catching the eye of many businesses, and many of them have created profiles or pages in social networking sites in order to promote their brands and become more visible to the general public. In this blog post, I will explain the importance of using social networking to promote a brand.

     An important benefit that social media provides is constant exposure of a brand to the users. Once a person or company creates a profile, they can immediately get feedback from people who are interested in their business. This feedback can then be used to improve future products or plans. Additionally, it provides a cheap, efficient way of advertising a brand and increasing its visibility in the marketplace. For example, although only 12% of employees feel that their company is utilizing social media effectively, 30% of the employees agree that it probably improved traffic to their website. Take the social media website twitter, for instance. It has a subsection dedicated to businesses who want to advertise themselves through "tweets" on the site. A business can easily advertise new products or sales and promote its brand(s) by regularly sending out tweets.
      To sum things up, people gain many benefits by making use of social media, including a wide exposure to the public, real-time feedback on their ventures, and a cheap and easy way to keep customers connected. I recommend that anybody who wishes to promote a brand or just get their name out there to check out a few social networking websites and make a profile or two. You might be surprised at the results!

1 comment :

  1. I thought it was very interesting on how you decided to talk about the importance of using social media towards promoting a brand. I believe your post was very informative because it gave a large amount of good information on the usefulness of being apart of social media for brands. Your small bit of statistics was very beneficial as well because it gave me a better idea of how useful social media could be even though it may not seem like it helps out much for a brand immediately.
